
Weather forecast products

We offer you custom real-time weather forecasts on high resolution up to 1 km using state-of-the-art numerical weather prediction model. We can create images, plots, maps or service where you can get forecasts based on your location (see more: FIspace). Moreover we can give you raw data and you can post-process them yourself. If you prefer to run weather forecasts on your own infrastructure, we can advise you on buying the hardware and establish operational weather forecast system at your place.

Analysis of meteorological data

Weather affects us in everyday life. Planning according to the expected weather can increase the quality as well as reduce the costs for planned activity.  Our team has a strong expertise in statistical analysis of forecasted and measured meteorological data: mapping of various meteorological indicators, return periods. We can also prepare historical forecasts for you from 1979.

Analysis of climate projections

Climate is a measure of the average pattern of variation in various atmospheric variables, such as air temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, atmospheric particle count and others, in a given region spanning over longer period of time (e.g. 30 years). This information is crucial for understanding the climate system as well as other components of earth system, such as terestrial biosphere, oceans, cryosphere, etc. Climate projections are obtained based on climate model simulations under assumption of external forcing mechanisms and their intensity in the future. The climate projections are uncertain; the uncertainty needs to be addressed on all levels, from climate modelling to analysis of climate projections for the future period. We therefore offer you analysis of climate projections based on ensemble of climate models simulations, providing the whole information  content (e.g. change in mean and variability as well as related uncertainty interval).

Other modelling based on meteorological data

Our group has strong experience in environmental modelling, where meteorological data is used as an input. Statistical and dynamical modelling based on meteorological input has a great potential in agriculture (e.g. agricultural planning), energetics (energy demand forecast based on expected weather), insurance (localization and quantification of extreme weather events), hydrology (water availability during drought periods, water excess during intensive rainfall period, protection against flooding), etc.

If you are interested in our services, please contact us.