About us

BO – MO, d. o. o., was established in 1994. We have been working on information technologies, focusing mainly on weather and agriculture related products, since early 2010. We have expertise in meteorology, agronomy and computer science, with good connections in academic and research institutions.

We have been involved in several national and international projects:

Project typeProject name/project clientOur taskDuration
H2020OPTAINBias correction of climate models simulation from CORDEX project2021–2022
FP7EuroGEOSSPreparation and implementation of drought indices maps into European Drought Observatory based on OGC Web Services2010–2012
FP7Food Planning and Innovation for Sustainable Metropolitan RegionsCreation of web page and data inventory2012–2013
FP7FIspaceDevelopment of Weather Scenario App on FIspace platform2014-2015
FP7SmartAgriFood 2Development of AgroForecast (Weather forecast for agriculture) and IrrigAdvice (Irrigation Advice) Application2015-2016
LIFEAdaptation of agriculture to climate change in the Vipava Valley (LIFE ViVaCCAdapt)Preparation of climate projections for Vipava Valley, analysis of wind conditions, CFD modeling, development of Decision Support System for Irrigation.2016-2021
EIP-AGRIIncreasing productivity of agricultural production by increasing water use efficiency and sustainability (PRO-PRODUCTION)Development of Decision Support System for Irrigation2018-2021
EIP-AGRIDigitalizing vegetable irrigationDevelopment of irrigation requirement calculation on hourly time scale using water balance model2019-2022
nationalSlovenian Environment AgencyOptimization of the existing automatic procedure for creating drought maps2010
nationalSlovenian Environment AgencyBias correction of climate models simulation from CORDEX project for Slovenia2016
nationalSlovenian Environment AgencyEstimatetion of climate change for agriculture (soil temperature, occurence of the phenological phase of the first leaves, length, beginning and end of the growing season, frequency of frost)2017
nationalSlovenian Environment AgencyImplementation of calculation of different drought indices (SPI, SPEI, EDDI)2018
nationalSlovenian Environment AgencyDownscaling of climate models simulation from CORDEX project to 1 km resolution for Slovenia2019
nationalSlovenian Environment AgencyCalculation of different drought indices (SPI, SPEI, EDDI) using bias-corrected and downscaled climate models simulations from CORDEX project for Slovenia2021
nationalSlovenian Institute of Hop Research and BrewingDevelopment of system for calculation of irrigation requirement for hops2021-2022
internationalDrought Management Centre for South-Eastern EuropeGIS application for uploading and viewing drought indices in raster format2011
internationalGlobal Water Partnership for Central and Eastern EuropeHelp at integration of drought information into European Drought Observatory2013–2015

If you are interested in our services, please contact us.